29 Oct 2017 • GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB sucks

2023 addendum: this post is very bad, you need to mark your framebuffers as sRGB so alpha blending works correctly

I replaced GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB with explicit linear-to-sRGB conversions in my shaders.

It's a little bit more code but having the extra control is worth it. The big wins are a UI that looks like it does in image editors, and being able to easily turn off sRGB for certain debug visualisations.

Some GLSL for myself to copy paste into future projects:

float linear_to_srgb( float linear ) {
	if( linear <= 0.0031308 )
		return 12.92 * linear;
	return 1.055 * pow( linear, 1.0 / 2.4 ) - 0.055;

vec3 linear_to_srgb( vec3 linear ) {
	return vec3( linear_to_srgb( linear.r ), linear_to_srgb( linear.g ), linear_to_srgb( linear.b ) );

vec4 linear_to_srgb( vec4 linear ) {
	return vec4( linear_to_srgb( linear.rgb ), linear.a );