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macOS has a thing called launchd which amongst other things can run scripts periodically. I use it to schedule backups and auto-update youtube-dl. I thought it would be nice to manage that through home manager so it's one less thing to forget about. You can do it out of the box and it is ostensibly documented in places like this but that's hard to turn into something that actually works, so here are some examples:
launchd.agents = {
restic = {
enable = true;
config = {
Program = /Users/mike/.bin/run-or-notify;
ProgramArguments = [ "/Users/mike/.bin/run-or-notify" "restic-snapshot failed!" "/Users/mike/.bin/restic-snapshot" ];
StartInterval = 21600;
EnvironmentVariables.PATH = "${pkgs.restic}/bin:/usr/bin";
StandardErrorPath = "/Users/mike/restic-stderr.txt"; # these lines are how you debug stuff with launchd
StandardOutPath = "/Users/mike/restic-stdout.txt";
yt-dlp = {
enable = true;
config = {
Program = /Users/mike/.bin/yt-dlp;
ProgramArguments = [ "/Users/mike/.bin/yt-dlp" "-U" ];
StartInterval = 86400;
Everything inside config
is standard launchd stuff which is documented in man launchd.plist
Just Works if you put your laptop to sleep etc which is nice.
is a script that alerts the program's output if it fails:
#! /bin/sh
output="$("$@" 2>&1)"
if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then
osascript -e "display notification \"Output: $output\" with title \"$title\""
exit "$err"